TorchScript 踩坑记录

TorchScript is a limited statically typed subset of Python and requires some adaptations.

Jit can be configured via jit config flag on module level. Unjittable code parts can be wrapped in @torch.jit.ignore.

First I had to get rid of getattr calls and make all module names known during compile time.

Res layers with name prefixes like ‘backbone.layer1.’ are moved to prefix backbone.res_layers.0. TorchScript supports iteration over constant module list (self.res_layers) and unrolls the loop in compile time.

Normalization layers got fixed names like backbone.norm1.

To maintain backward compatibility I’ve looked through pytorch load state dict machinery and decided to use load_state_dict_pre_hooks mmdet doesn’t use native nn.Module.load_state_dict method and doesn’t support hooks. I’ve changed the implementation.

At this point I could track compatibility issues loading state dict in strict mode.

load_state_dict_pre_hooks are implemented and I was able to use the snapshot that was done before the changes in this PR.

In JIT mode I had to copy the hooks from nonjitted module instances to WeakScriptModuleProxy instances. The latter wrap compiled modules.

After that I was able to use old state dict with JIT-compiled modules.


  1. 如果代码中有if条件控制,尽量避免使用torch.jit.trace来转换代码,因为它不能处理变化条件,如果非要用trace的话,可以把if条件控制改成别的形式,比如:

     def f(x):
     if x > 0:
         return False
         return True
     # 可以改成:
     def f(x):
     return x <= 0
  2. jit不能转换第三方Python库中的函数,尽量所有代码都使用pytorch实现,如果速度不理想的话,可以参考PyTorch官网的用C++自定义TorchScript算子的教程,用C++实现需要的功能,然后注册成jit操作,最后转成torchscript;

  3. 如果要转Mobilenet,最好使用pytorch1.3以上,否则识别不出来其中的depth wise conv,转换出来的torchscript模型会比原模型大很多;

  4. 模型的forward函数中尽量不要包含中文注释;

  5. 函数的默认参数如果不是tensor的话,需要指定类型;

  6. list中元素默认为tensor,如果不是,也要指定类型;

  7. tensor.bool()操作不支持,可以直接用tensor>0来替代;

  8. 不支持with语句;

  9. 不支持花式赋值,比如下面这种:

     [[pt1[0]], [pt1[1]]] = t
  10. 如果在model的forward函数中调用了另一个model0,需要先在model的构造函数中将model0设为model的子模型;

  11. 在TorchScript中,有一种Optional类型,举例:在一个函数中,如果可以通过if控制来返回None或者tensor,那么这个返回值会被认定为Optional[Tensor],这会导致无法对该返回值使用tensor的内置方法或属性,比如tensor.shape,tensor.size()等;

  12. TorchScript中对tensor类型的要求严格得多,比如torch.tensor(1.0)这个变量会被默认为doubletensor,可能会在计算中出现错误;

  13. TorchScript中带有梯度的零维张量无法当做标量进行计算,这个问题可能会在使用C++自定义TorchScript算子时遇到。


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